Come along with us as we sail from Tokyo to Cape Town aboard the Ocean Princess.

Welcome aboard! Dennis & Merlena

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nosy Be Madagascar April 29th

We had a really nice day yesterday in Nosy Be. We were lucky enough to get on the first tender off the ship, and arrived on shore by 8:30. We hooked up with two other couples from the ship and hired a boat to take us to Nosy Komba, a small island about 30 minutes away. The waters are crystal clear, and the islands around Nosy Be are covered with very dense vegetation. Quite a beautiful area. Once on Nosy Komba, our guide took us through the village, which was very interesting in itself, to a park area populated by the famous Madagascar Lemurs. The Lemurs are very interesting looking animals. The males are black, and the females are brown with white faces. We were given bananas to coax the Lemurs from the trees. They were not at all shy about jumping on our shoulders to take the bananas from our hands. One of the park employees had a small Boa Constrictor, which we were able to hold. We couldn’t help thinking about one or two of our good friends who would have been back on the boat as soon as they saw the snake, probably without ever touching the ground on the way!

The village at Nosy Komba was a very typical African village, without electricity. We were greeted by groups of small children with their faces painted, singing and dancing and offering flowers and vanilla beans for a small price. The streets were lined with embroidered table cloths, wood carvings, and other items made by the villagers.

Once back to Nosy Be, we hired a taxi to take us into the center of town, where we found a sidewalk cafe and sat down to try the local beer, Three Horses. Quite good. We then walked through town, stopping at the central market, where the displays of tropical fruits and vegetables were amazing. We walked from town back to the tender pier where we caught the tender back to the ship. A really good day. Now, as we near the end of our cruise, we have three days at sea before arriving in Durban. This morning we’re having our table mates into our cabin for a bloody mary before lunch. More from Durban, where we plan to visit a nearby game preserve.


  1. Hi guys - I would have LOVED this place...except for that snake - I would have made it across the Atlantic without ever touching water!! Dubai looked amazing - can't wait to go (at least still hoping to go??) So I have to ask you, Merlena, was the cruise too long, just right, or do you want to stay aboard? We would love to be able to see you guys once you are home because we would love to hear about everything, every detail - we are living vicariously through you now. I am slogging away to finish school - almost done!! Then we can travel at will. A friend of mine just moved out near Turlock - not so far, eh?
    What an amazing adventure you are having. Stay safe. Can't wait to read what you write about S.A. I know we loved it.

  2. Well, DK, the snake picture did it for me! lc

  3. Hey DK... Was it hard for them to find a Boa that small, for you to hold? Kidding. I enjoy the blog. You guys look and sound like your having much fun. See you soon... B

  4. Lemurs, too cute! Boa, not so much. You both look great and like you are having a ball. Love the blog and looking forward to your adventures in South Africa.

  5. Gee, are you on overload with grand experiences yet? Continue to love the blog. Can't wait to see the movie! Sounds as if you have made some new friends on this leg. More places to vist after returning. Take care. Looking forward to hearing about the S.A. visit.

    4 more weeks of school!

