Come along with us as we sail from Tokyo to Cape Town aboard the Ocean Princess.

Welcome aboard! Dennis & Merlena

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hiroshima March 9th

Apparently the color of the Osaka ferris wheel has no influence on the weather in Hiroshima. As we entered Hiroshima Bay, we started to notice snow flakes coming down on to our balcony. By the time we docked, we were in the midst of a full fledged snow storm, mixed with rain and a very cold wind. We had not scheduled an organized tour, so we set off on our own to visit the Atomic Dome and the Peace Museum and Park. We shared a taxi into town with two of our dinner table mates, and arrived at the Peace Museum at about 10am.

We're so glad that we had the opportunity to visit the museum and the surrounding park. It truly is a powerful and somber exhibit. The museum does an excellent job of providing a balanced prospective as to the reasons that Hiroshima was identified as a target, and of the destruction and devastation caused by the bomb, both by the bomb blast itself, and the long lasting after effects. After visiting the museum, we walked through the Peace Park adjacent to the museum, where the A-Dome and several memorials are located. The Childrens' Memorial, pictured above is especially powerful.

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